Exhibition of Pedro Sanchez 3 
I HAVE GOT BOMBS / -I wonder if I will be bombed ?-  
May 8 – June 11, 2005 7:00AM-4:00AM 
Roppongi Kiyakizaka St. Roppongi Hills 11-1 Roppongi 6 chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 
TEL: 03-5775-1515  
Pedro Sanchez3, Madrid born, 4 years in New York, came to Tokyo 3 years ago, after September 11, living and working between London, Paris, New York and Tokyo. His activities interventions and exhibitions include paintings, sculptures, vide Art photographs, installations and performances. He has selected as his exhibition space “TSUTAYA TOKYO ROPPONGI”, which is a major video rental, music & book store cafe at Roppongi Hills.

The art works two installations around the entrance, book store central area, 1st. floor, and the other installation next to the Art book section, corner  Here we can read books seating,  a lot of English books are sold. This place functioned as the gathering-intersection spot as culture and information area with various international foreigners. And fortunately we can see the exhibition from 7 am. morning to 4 am midnight-early morning. This exhibition conceived as an invention and starting idea to experience something new in such a place and space is an interactive project organized by the artist, in conversation with the Art curator Satomi Nakai  “Could we make an exhibition in such a place? ”  while talking at the café adjacent aside of the floor space.   
He will do a performance all the time at the exhibition space, making drawings on the body, clothes or any attached things to the body for the audience. We highly recommend to drop in this place.   

The Gallery Guide on June, 2005 
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