The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done.

- R. Buckminster Fuller Letter to Micheal (February 16, 1970)

Christopher Henry Gallery is pleased to present “Favela Chabola" by PS3*Pedro Sanchez3, a non-traditional model home for the future. Sanchez is a Spanish born, New York City based multidisciplinary artist. The Favela Chabola challenges the notion of home by converting the ideas of a traditional house into the least technologically advanced model of its time. Although the Favela does not incorporate state-of-the-art materials, it nevertheless embodies Sanchez’ solution to the need for an affordable, easily transportable, and environmentally efficient house This is a model home for the new world order of the 21st century, a reversal of Utopia and the antithesis of the predicted future in so many late 19th and early 20th century writings. It serves as a beacon of hope to shelter the masses following the fracture of a whole Economic System and Culture of the 20th and 21st Centuries.
The edifice of Global Capitalism has absorbed what was once innovative and drains it of any content, replacing experimentation and investigation with pragmatism and productivity bound by social norms. Yet one must not give up space for new ideas and culture to emerge from our deadly world of extinction -The most subversive power we possess is our imagination. A worldwide revolution against the political class hierarchies and corrupt ruling politicians has begun, as demonstrated from the Egypt uprising to the recent Occupy Wall Street protests. 
Following its current trajectory, future generations will live in deliberate deprivation of the minimum parameters traditionally afforded previous societies. If there will be any space left, the alienating shelter refuge space of the Favela, in the detritus of cities, may be the most you will get.

 Christopher Henry Gallery
127 Elizabeth Street (Between Broome and Grand St. )
New York, NY

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