Newspaper "EL PAIS", Spain, Text reviewed by Fernando Huici, 1988
Pedro Sanchez
Seiquer Gallery, 
General Arrando, 12
Until June 27.
Pedro Sanchez (Madrid) Offers us in this exhibition an interesting cycle of recent paintings, a series of oil paintings in which gives course to a dense and disturbing emotional proposal. Pedro Sanchez paintings connects its intention of language in the roots of the postwar great international abstract generation, in a crossroads where seem to move Europeans and Americans echoes with a more extensive sensibility towards the historical memory of painting.

With an own identity in which nest romantic impulses, tempered as well by a certain pictorial distancing and willingness of equilibrium, his work is defined by the inclination towards shady ranges, color chromatic fields, abysmal levels of darkness on which can be intuited and defined forms in one buried dialectic tension. Sometimes that tension becomes a frantic tearing, light lightning journey through the bleak shady surface opening a crack over the surface of the canvas in a sense that brings us to the mind certain ways of making of a Clyfford Still.
In that game, the work of Pedro Sanchez maintains an interesting ambiguity, of imprecision among forms or gestures of the drawing superimposed to the nocturnal undecided atmosphere and space in which is inserted, and the idea of the vertical section field that opens a crack in the opaque colored field, making us guess beyond another space, another light.

Painter of technique and sensitive undoubted ability, that is translated within the framework of the exhibition with some works of authentic and genuine, densely contained, vigor, Pedro Sanchez manifest itself perhaps somewhat subject to the inheritance of the language that splits, even though certain segments of this cycle they outline already with fortune a more precise and deeper definition of that own inner voice, contained passion, persecuted after the nocturnal skin of painting. 
Fernando Huici
El Pais, June 25, 1988

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