"EL PUNTO"  Art Newspaper 
Art Newspaper 


Pedro Sanchez, Madrid. Presents at 57 Gallery, Madrid, his latest artwork, under the title of "The celebration of the instability", which brings together a series of small sculptures, paintings, silkscreen prints and some original combinations of iron and aluminum, allowing us to contemplate his artistic development since conduct his last individual show at Galeria Seiquer Madrid. To this artist from Madrid who continues liking to be moved in the boundaries and limits of the art "experimenting with the theory of the opposites to transgress again and again that world of appearances that leads us to a knowledge-based Invocation. 
His versatility as an engraver, painter and sculptor have opened up into multiple visual artistic possibilities as seen in the the nearly 20 pieces in this
His sculptures of aluminum silk screen prints reveal a subtle circular composition of laminated plates, in an intelligent spatial-game, space of play, with the inside-outside contrast, in this series of geometric figures, sometimes convex and concave, an artist who dominates the interior spaces and suggests open forms and thoughtful about minimal art. In his five prints, in which combines well- defined white circles on wood, aluminum, polypropylene and Japanese paper, enables us to envision it's thoroughness and seeing them all together stirs up in the audience a new vision, where he also has hung two paintings in mixed techniques that continue reproducing and playing that circle, although combining it with rectangular spaces or with that blue-gray tone. 
As if they were pictures, Pedro Sanchez3 has created three pieces with framework of iron and surface of aluminum, well polished, which remind us of the interesting world of images projected, Of the paintings highlights a large format, that recalls for the beauty from the surface to the compositions of the American abstract expressionism, soft tones vanilla shades where introduces that square, strong black firm line although sprinkled by a blue brushstroke or dotted on brown , that affirms its lyrical spirit, close to the solemnity.
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Pedro Sanchez, Madrid. Presenta en la galeria 57 de Madrid su ultima obra, bajo el titulo de "La celebracion de lo inestable", que reune una serie de pequenas esculturas, pinturas, serigrafias y unas originales combinaciones de hierro y aluminio, que permiten contemplar su evolucion artistica desde que realizara su ultima individual en la Galeria Seiquer Madrid. A este artista madrileno le sigue gustando moverse en los limites del arte, experimentando con la teoria de los contrarios para transgredir una y otra vez ese mundo de apariencias que nos conduce a una invocacion del conocimiento. Su versatilidad como grabador, pintor y escultor le han abierto numerosas posibilidades plasticas como se ve en las casi 20 piezas de esta exhibicion. 
Sus esculturas de aluminio serigrafiado revelan una sutil composicion de laminas, en un inteligente juego espacial, con el contraste dentro-fuera, en esa serie de figuras geometricas, unas veces convexas y otras concavas, de un artista que domina los espacios interiores y nos sugiere formas abiertas y reflexivas en torno al minimal art. 
En sus cinco serigrafias, en las que combina circulos de papel blanco bien definidos sobre madera,
aluminio, polipropileno y papel japones, permite vislumbrar su minuciosidad y viendolas todas juntas suscita en el espectador una vision novedosa, donde tambien ha colgado dos pinturas en tecnica mixta que siguen reproduciendo ese circulo, aunque combinandolo con espacios rectangulares o con ese tono azul grisaceo. 
Pedro Sanchez3 ha creado tres piezas con marco de hierro y superficie de aluminio, bien pulida, que nos recuerdan al interesante mundo de las imagenes proyectadas, De las pinturas destaca una en gran formato, que
recuerda por la belleza de la superficie a las composiciones del expresionismo abstracto norteamericano, de suave tonalidad vainilla y donde introduce ese cuadrado, de linea firme y negra, aunque salpicada por una pincelada azul o marron, que afirma su espiritu lirico, cercano a la solemnidad.
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