TIME is Love Screening - international video art program
I have the pleasure to share that my videos have been selected along with 16 other great international artists filmmakers. Video screening at the " Museum d'art contenporain de Bordeaux " in the city of Bordeaux, France.
-Thank you to Mohamed Thara Curator.
 during WAC (weekend Contemporary Art in Bordeaux) Sept. 28th to Oct.1st.) my videos" Govermors Island & On the Outer Edge. — at CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux. Thank you to the Curator Mohamed Thara  Mohamed Thara Officiel
Es un placer compartir que mis videos han sido seleccionados con otros 16 grandes video cineastas, la proyeccion se llevara a cabo en el CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, France, durante WAC (weekend Contemporary Art en Bordeaux ) Sept. 28 - Oct. 1. Gracias a Mohamed Thara Curator.

The illogical and abrupt or ritualistic actions of these films, HD-Video, are not symbols that require interpretation or conclusion. They are merely symptoms of persistently questioned inconclusiveness, that is why the experience of this films means having to take a mental journey that yields no answer. Far from making a reflective speech about film, nothing to describe or nothing to be seen and in no way to operate in the mode of a statement, is one of the conditions for the unchaining of its chain. 

A working process that has privileged the process of recording over editing sometimes by in camera editing of brief shots, but above all one-take, one-shot as synonymous for observation and discovery, aware that perception of the world is mediated by cinematic and technological representation, images positions on the boundaries between visibility and invisibility, legibility and silence, stability and instability, syntactical simplicity and symbolic complexity.

They are never finished - there is a subtle shift of concept, while time collapses losing oneself watching the experimental non-linear style of these films Intersecting a bright frenetic energy throughout.
In the process to house a destiny and destination of its own, with a distinctive difference of the harmonious or more convincing tranquil domesticity-one can fall victim by questioning an instability, nevertheless keeping as alert.
In almost complete isolation of sustained meditations to unmask form and content, as the historical narrative performance, in vulnerable intellectual vandalism. Knowing other advantages and safer games for most good visual video Art is of the cognitive type, much easier to discuss or dramatize than to represent, sort of culture-gravity-approach where the pressure of language is too constant and uniform.
Influenced by what or by who? Simply presented... In a space that we do not recognize, where nothing has been hiding, with an image that has not been seen yet and cannot be named.
like a supernatural phenomenon - disintegrate and it's restructured, from an organized opposition in the face of a passivity which has covered a long run through the impossibility to achieve one's own destiny.
I have been working in this project for a considerable amount of time and energy, but still it does not let go off me, what keeps me interested is the task of artist thinking which is meant to be involved with the visual medium we have created and live in....there is a leap of concept that occurs in between... as co-authors of an aesthetic medium. Even by whom have never set themselves a target like this.



VIDEO Tittles: 
1 - "ON THE OUTER EDEGE" DVD 7mints.'

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